Thursday 14 February 2019

What's like to experience total darkness?

On Wednesday, we were raising money for the Guide dogs who support people with visual problems.  WE had an assembly where a man came in with his guide dog and it was really interesting to hear how he perceived the world and how he depended on his guide dog to be his eyes.  It was a scary feeling.  In the afternoon, we all got a chance to experience what it would be like to be in his shoes, we were put into pairs and one of us was blindfolded, while the other child had to guide us around an obstacle course in the hall.  It was a really strange but eye opening experience.  We don't realise how we take our eyes for granted.  Here are some pictures of us doing the obstacle course with blindfolds on.

Sharing Assembly

During our topic 'Tour Du Monde' we developed our skills in Art, DT, Music and Languages. We researched French speaking countri...