Friday 25 January 2019

Electrical circuit clowns!!!

These last few weeks, we have been learning about Electricity in Science.  We have learnt about how to make electrical circuits, what different components are needed for conducting Electricity and how they work together, we even managed to investigate what happens when circuits are broken. We have made clown faces and used electrical circuits to create light and movement.  We really enjoyed making them, here are some pictures that we wanted to share with you.

Monday 7 January 2019

The terrible Tudors!!!

Homework projects!
The children were asked to do different types of research about their new Topic 'The Tudors'.  They had the choice to research facts, create posters and portraits, create models of jewellery, Tudor houses and create fact file booklets.  We have had some amazing projects brought in today.  The Tudor houses are magnificent, the research overwhelmingly good and the artefacts created really superb.  Well done to the children for their hard work and Thank you parents for all your support.

Sharing Assembly

During our topic 'Tour Du Monde' we developed our skills in Art, DT, Music and Languages. We researched French speaking countri...